AVID Student Analysis

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Pages: 4

In life in order to flourish in school students should receive peer, emotional, and academic support. If they lack assistance in any of these areas then they are most likely to turn away from school and participate in unlawful situations. That feeling of being alone because no one cares about you is a thought that can ultimately drive students towards academic failure. Leading them to spend the rest of their lives in regret for not reaching their full potential and choosing to settle for less. Or end up behind bars for allowing negative choices to dictate their lives. However, luckily for some of my peers and I, we had the opportunity to join a program called AVID. At the time of being accepted I was unaware of how much this four letter acronym …show more content…
Eventually as the years went by we began to form an AVID family. The most important component of this family were the hardworking and dedicated AVID teachers. The AVID teachers that believed in me when I did not believe in myself. Despite how hopeless I was at times, they always had enough hope for the both of us. Teachers like Mr. Cha and Ms. Harris who inspired me to continue forward despite the obstacles that life chose to throw at me. Teachers like Mr. Arnold and Ms. Than who made sure that I was successful in the two most important years of high school: sophomore and junior year. And teachers like Mrs. Ruiz who introduced me to the world of AVID my freshmen year. These AVID teachers deserve more recognition and appreciation than they receive because they are such a motivating force. They empowered me to be victorious because not only did I not want to let myself down but I did not want to disappoint my AVID teachers either. This is why I took advantage of the academic resources that AVID provided me with. One of the most crucial resources that was provided to me was …show more content…
Being in AVID for so long, I have become very familiar with them and take Cornell Notes on a daily basis. This type of note taking system has allowed studying to become simpler and faster since I able to summarize important topics. A lot of people find Cornell Notes a complete waste of time, but I find them very useful thanks to AVID. Throughout the summer, I was also given the opportunity to complete my college essays with an AVID teacher. This gave me the advantage of being finished with my UC Essays and Personal Statement while the rest of my peers, not in AVID, were struggling at the last minute to write them. The assistance with my college applications was probably the best part of AVID since I would have probably made so many mistakes without my avid teacher’s revision. In addition, AVID has allowed me to maintain a satisfactory GPA throughout high school because of the weekly participation in tutorial groups with my peers and college tutors. The extra tutoring in the areas that I was not doing so well in allowed me to stay on track. Without AVID, I would have never been motivated to become the person that I am today. This is why AVID stands for more than Advanced Individual Via Determination to