Abraham is a very faithful follower of the Lord and follows God’s orders. When he is told to move to a new land by God he does, “Abram went forth as the Lord had commanded him..” (Gen 12:4). He moved his family to a foreign land because of God. In addition, he remains faithful in the lord even when he faces adversity like the lack of a child, “..’O Lord God, what can You give me, seeing that I shall die childless..’” (Gen 15:2). Abraham wishes for a child, an heir, to give household to. God tells Abraham that he will have offspring and Abraham trusts God. This trust is merited as he has two sons. In addition, he has his name changed from Abram to Abraham by God because He said “..for I make you the father of a multitude of nations” (Gen 17:5). God blesses Abraham as the father of the Israelites. …show more content…
He listens to God and his actions show this. However, Jacob is more deceitful. He tricks his father into blessing him, “Jacob said to his father, ‘I am Esau, your first-born’” (Gen 27:19). This way, his father gave the blessing meant for Esau as he lay on his deathbed. Another difference is that Jacob is blessed with many children. He has multiple wives and they have given him many sons and daughters which differs strongly from Abraham and longtime wish for children. Also, Jacob is given the new name of Israel because he wrestled with God, “‘Your name shall no longer be Jacob but Israel, for you have striven with beings divine and human, and have prevailed’” (Gen 32:29). God gives Jacob this name because he struggled with Him but never gave