Abraham Lincoln's Assassination Research Paper

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Pages: 5

Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, one of the most influential presidents of all time, was born February 12, 1809. He was born to Nancy Lincoln, and Thomas Lincoln and his brother Thomas Jr. and his sister Sarah. On November 4, 1842, Lincoln married his wife Mary Todd, and had four sons, Robert Todd, William Wallace, Tad, and Edward Baker. Then on March 4, 1861 Lincoln was inaugurated was 16th President of the United States as the first Republican ever elected president. His vice presidents were Hannibal Hamlin for the first for years, and for a month in his second term, was Andrew Johnson. Sadly, a month after his second term, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865.

This great tragedy took place in Ford’s Theater
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First, the Vice President was a co contributor to this heinous crime. Booth had been spotted visiting the same hotel Andrew Johnson was at the same time, eight hours before the assassination. Booth then anonymously left a note to Johnson’s private secretary saying, "Don't wish to disturb you Are you at home? J. Wilkes Booth." Many people believed that the two had been conspiring together for many years, including Mary Todd Lincoln, Abraham’s wife, that a special Assassination Committee was form to investigate any possible connections. The next major conspiracy sprouts from the recent ending of the Civil War. Lincoln’s number one enemy was the southerners. He had just won the war against them, so there was still must resentment and tension between them. They had the most motive of killing him, hoping to weaken the Union, and hopefully spark another war. The last conspiracy is that international bankers, specifically the British, conducted his murder. Abraham Lincoln needed money for the Civil War, and all Booth was was a hired gun. When Lincoln grew desperate, British bankers, who opposed his policies, offered him loans with high interest rates. He then declined and found a way around them. This greatly angered them, and many have been quoted saying they would have been willing to kill to get