Abraham Lincoln's Post-Black Hawk War

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Pages: 4

Abe Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky on February 12th, 1809 to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln . Growing up, Lincoln’s family moved quite a lot. When he was seven, his family moved to Indiana, where his father had a farm . When he was not working on the farm, young Abraham could always be found reading something . He would stay up for hours each night just to read. When Lincoln was nine years old, his mother died from “Milk Poisoning”, which occurs when someone drinks milk from a cow that ate white snakewood plants . When Lincoln was 19, he took his first trip to a big city when hopped on a flatboat filled with produce to New Orleans, then he walked back home . Thomas Lincoln would move his family to Illinois two years later, to avoid …show more content…
He did this for several years, until he sold his stake and enlisted as a militia captain in the Black Hawk War of 1832 . Lincoln proved himself to be a strong captain. The short war deeply affected him . Lincolns post-Black Hawk War consisted of studying law in hopes of earning a seat on the Illinois State Legislature. Lincoln won the position in 1834 and served as a Whig . From the beginning of his political career, Lincoln showed that he was a good leader and representative. Lincolns first order or business was to improve the transportation system in Illinois. After Lincoln fixed the roads, he changes Illinois’ state capital from Vandalia to Springfield . Some consider this the greatest achievement in Lincolns Illinois Legislative career. In 1842, Lincoln married Mary Todd after they met in Springfield where Lincoln was a lawyer. The two had four sons throughout their forbidden marriage, only one would live to see his adult years . The death of his sons would bring Lincoln and his family deep feelings of sadness …show more content…
The rising tension on the issue of slavery and the newly formed republican party was tearing up the United States . Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln was making national headlines, as he debated Stephen Douglas and his opposition. The election of 1860 had 4 candidates: Abraham Lincoln (Republican), John C Breckenridge (Democrat), Stephen Douglas (Democrat), and John Bell (Constitutional Union Party) . The winner of these four was Lincoln, and immediately the southern half of the US took notice to an issue. Lincoln had been elected without any southern support. This was an atrocity to the south, as they felt as they had no word in their own government. South Carolina would be so displeased with the government, that South Carolina left the union and formed the Confederate States of America . Ten more states would follow South Carolinas lead: Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and finally Tennessee