Abrahamic Covenant Research Paper

Words: 1106
Pages: 5

Abrahamic Covenant The Abrahamic covenant is a very important part of the history of the bible. From gaining knowledge of the Abrahamic covenant we are learning the history of why and how Abraham became the person he was. Therefore, by reading Genesis, most of that knowledge is grasped; "I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you ” Genesis 17:7. In this passage we are reminded of the work that God has put into us to form us into the people he has desired for us. God tells Abraham this covenant will be passed down throughout his generations giving a long lineage promised from God to look toward. …show more content…
Although it had such great offering it still had risk; risks if he didn’t continue to stay faithful, those risks including, land, Kinship and inheritance . Just as any other covenant the covenant with Abraham had obstacles as well. The first obstacle was when Abraham escaped to Egypt in order to avoid hunger, but confronted greater problems. He lied about his wife. He lied about Sarai, his wife, being his sister. Then God had to step in and protect Abraham and his family. The second obstacle was Lot and the fact that Abraham had no clue Lot was an obstacle that he had to climb over. Lot soon left the land and God gave it to Abraham . Without God though Abraham might not have gotten through that obstacle. That is the same with our life and the lessons that life teaches us. God is in control and we need to lean toward him with everything. The last obstacle was Hagar and Ishmael, when Abraham and Sarai were not able to bear any children on their time, he went to Hagar (his servant). Soon after Ishmael was born Sarai, Abraham’s wife, was pregnant. Hagar was then fired and sent off to live on her own with Ishmael . This is a lesson that we could learn from that also ties into the second lesson. God is in control of our lives, we aren’t. If you say you are going to give your life to Christ, do it. Allow him to paint the picture of life on your