Louis XIV and Charles II: Comparable yet Diverse Both Louis XIV and Charles II created pivotal points in time by their rule. Likewise, both countries turned to similar directions during both of their reign. This is no surprise, as both Louis and Charles had been good friends and had a strong relationship. In more than one circumstance, Louis and Charles shared the same beliefs and made decisions together; whether these decisions were known by the public or not. Although their personalities differed slightly, both rulers had very evident similarities, the nations developed similar due to their close relationship, and both stubborn, power hungry personalities gave the same effect on the different government and nation. While Louis and Charles had the same ultimate motive, the government originally in place when both entered their reign differed. During Charles’s reign, ruling after Cromwell, there was to be no absolute monarch. This however did not last, as Charles’ dissolved the parliament in 1681. Louis began reigning when absolutism was not unfamiliar. In fact, Louis’ reign reached the zenith of absolutism, taking away all French culture. This selfish and self-seeking character was shared between both Louis and Charles, as they were very close in relationship and belief. The existence and idea of parliament was out of the question for both rulers, especially if the parliament disagreed with their needs and wants. Their religion was shared as well, as Charles made a secret agreement with Louis to make England Catholic again, in exchange for money. Charles looked up to Louis and admired his ways, thus making their similarity inevitable. The similarities between both Louis and Charles impacted the ultimate government during their reign and the way the nation would develop. Both governments ultimately ended up as absolutism. Louis came to rule as an absolute government by dominating all aspects of culture. He claims to have come to rule by God, as most absolute rulers had said during this time period. Louis strengthened his absolute rule by eliminating the Edict of Nantes; thus ridding religious freedom. Louis was also known to hold festivities in the Palace of Versailles, which was aimed to motive his people and forced them to praise him. Charles, while he entered during a time of attempted absolute elimination, his many disagreements with parliament caused the removal of parliament. These disagreements included what Charles income should be, as well as the nation’s religion. Charles as well as Louis, not unlike most rulers, did not like their beliefs being disagreed with and decided it to be best to rid of parliament affiliation. The personality of the rulers ultimately decided the outcome of the country. Louis while scared he would lose the throne if he was not liked, did not do much to try to please his people (besides festivities with ulterior motive) and keep his reign. Louis wanted attention and power; he also did not want his beliefs questioned. Louis being a catholic forced all of France to become