|Desktop-computer is designed to |Output devices-carry |Microprocessor-is the |Hard drive-the most widely|A network is a group of|
|remain in one location |information out of a computer|brain of the computer |used secondary storage |computers that are |
| | | |devices |connected to each other|
|Laptop-computer is designed to be |Monitor-displays information |Clock speed- is the number|Floppy disk-contains a |A L.A.N is a connected |
|carried from one place to another |visually, just like a |of calculations the |small portable disk inside|group of computers that|
| |television set |processor can do each |a plastic cover |are close to each other|
| | |second | | |
|Mainframes-are very powerful |Printer-transfer images from |Memory-is where computers |ZIP disk-has a portable |A W.A.N is a connected |
|computers that can do many things |a monitor to paper |keep their information |disk inside a plastic case|group of computers that|
|at once | |comes in the form of | |are close to each other|
| | |computer chips | | |
|Peripheral-is anything that is |Speakers-carry information in|RAM-holds info. |Flash memory-used chips to|A N.I.C is a |
|connected to your computer |the form of sounds |temporarily |hold information |card that all |
| | | | |computers on |
| | | | |a network |
| | | | |need to that |
| | | | |the computers |
| | | | |can communi- |
| | | | |cat over the |
| | | | |network |
|Keyboard-is used to enter | |Storage devices-another |CD-R-is a CD-ROM disk that|Ethernet cables-are |
|information in the form of words, | |place where information is|does not yet contain any |used to connect |
|numbers, and punctuation | |kept |information |computers |
|Mouse- is used to control objects | |Motherboard-the main |CD-RW-is an optical that |A router connects |
|on computer screen | |circuit board in a |can record information |multiple computers to |
| | |computer |many times |each other as well as |
| | | |