In Abuelito Who and The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson, there are differences in each story about change in character. In the folk tale The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson, the grandfather goes from being mistreated to being respected. His daughter-in-law says mean things to him, then feels bad for him after he mistreats him. The daughter in law says “ that he spoiled everything in the house and broke their dishes.” Then he “felt ashamed because they …show more content…
The message that they express is that you should respect your grandparents and your grandparents respect you. In the folk tale The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson, you can see that at the end of the tale they say they will take better care of him. They are respecting their grandparent. In Abuelito Who, you can see in the poem that it shows that the grandfather respects everyone that is part of his family.
In the poem Abuelito Who, and in the folk tale The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson, you can see that there are many similarities and differences between the folk tale and the poem such as mood, change in characters, and message expressed by theme. The theme they are trying to represent is that you should love your grandparents and they love you as well. Dont take your grandparents for granted and never disrespect them. One day they won’t be there to help and love you. Spend as much time with your loved