Q.1) Academic writing should be follow your arguments with appropriate references from authentic sources and specify a range of assist for particular views. Academic writing entails to study a number of ideas and findings that had already existed in the academic fields. Academic writer is required to critically review the views and ideas of the existing writer with own arguments with evidence of findings.
From the first assignment comments of the teachers, it noticed that there was limited inclusion of facts and details from the article while there are some attempts to identify issues in financial reporting. The discussion address most of the issues raised in the task but lacks clarity and relevant …show more content…
Given the fact that information regarding the vintage of a financial asset is not used for internal risk management purposes or for purposes of determining the loan loss provision.
Public interest theory assume that government is a neutral arbiter and regulation put in place to benefit society as a whole rather than vested interests and regulatory body considered to represent interests of the society in which it operates, rather than private interests of the regulators. Although it critics that economic markets operate inefficiently if unregulated and question the assumption that regulation is virtually costless.
c) Accounting for financial instruments has been comment by James G. Campbell
Vice President, Finance Corporate Controller Intel Corporation. The Board’s discussions and tentative decisions on the Project to date suggest that the final standard may require many investments in non-marketable equity securities made by public entities to be accounted for at fair value through net income. We believe such a model would lead to reporting results that are inconsistent with the management strategies of many non-financial entities. Determining the Full Impact of the Project is Not Possible Without an Understanding of Potential Changes to How Liability and Equity Components are Separated Under the FICE