Accelerometers Research Paper

Words: 715
Pages: 3

Nowadays, it seems like the world is getting warmer and things are not looking to pretty for the animals that are living in the wild. It is looking a lot worse for polar bears, monk seals, and salmon. Years ago it was expensive for biologist to get the data to see how much energy an animal wasted on catching his next meal .Luckily, that little device you see on someone when you are at the gym (known as accelerometers). Present the possible answers that scientist have been in search of for years. There was an era when those devices used to be very exotic and costly, but as technology has rapidly improved. Development of these once expensive devises has plummeted to make companies want to adapt them towards being animal friendly. Also with the added help of miniature memory chips. This has allowed biologist to record a mass of data each second for months at a time. These advancements in computers has had a profound …show more content…
To better understand the energy cost of living animals in a time when the earth is warming up. So we get a better understanding of just how far these animals are reacting to the changes .That is pretty neat to see that animals are also noticing the changes of the earth warming up and trying to adapt tremendously in order to survive. On the other hand one thing that will catch ones attention when reading this article on accelerometers .Is the great lengths these professionals go to collect this data. It was just so stunning that in order for biologist to get all this data they have to go to each and every animal in the animal kingdom, and run individual test on them. This seems very time consuming and expensive that there is not an algorithm that can correlate each animal to this problem .So with that said one can only hope for accelerometers algorithms to get even better through time .So leaders can start listening to hard proven data