Acid Rain In Australia

Words: 1481
Pages: 6

Acid rain is an issue that occurs around the globe. This assignment will be discussing the pro and cons of nuclear power to answer the question "Should all coal-fired power stations in Australia be replaced with nuclear power stations to reduce the effects of acid rain?" Acid rain not only effects the environment but it also effects buildings and can have effects on humans. Acid rain is relevant in today's society as it is an issue throughout the whole world, food chains are being disrupted worldwide due to the effects on the environment and it erodes buildings made of limestone and sandstone. It also weakens metals over time, which could mean that monuments are being weakened and harmed all because of acid rain.
Acid rain is defined as rain
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The major natural cause of acid rain is erupting volcanoes. Volcanoes emit acid and produce gases, creating high amounts of acid rain, or other forms of precipitation. Within the environment, decaying plants, biological processes and wildfires generate the gases that form acid rain. Lightning strikes produce nitric oxides that react with water molecules to produce nitric acid, forming acid rain. Primary contributors to acid rain are human activities, including air pollution sources such as factories, power generations facilities and automobiles. Gaseous emissions are mostly contributed by coal, used for power. On a daily basis, automobiles and factories emit gases that cause acid rain, especially in urban areas. These gases react in the atmosphere and with other chemicals forming acidic compounds. These gases, sulfur dioxide ad nitric oxide, are gases primarily occurring from electric power generation by burning coal and are responsible for …show more content…
Acid rain can fall directly on aquatic bodies and the acid gets accumulated in the water, and lowers the pH of the water. The animals in the water need a particular pH to survive and if the pH is lower the needed pH, conditions can become hostile. Some species have been reduced or eliminated due to acid rain. Acid rain makes trees vulnerable to disease, bad weather, and insects by stopping growth, damaging bark and ruining the leaves. Acid raid impacts highly on soil biology and chemistry. The soil needs an optimum level pH for biological activities to continue. The effects acid rain has on soil, has damaged vegetation cover and even led to the death of some vegetation and forests. Acid rain corrodes buildings made of particular materials, it also leaves the buildings very weak. Modern and heritage buildings get affected by acid