We did many kinds of testing procedures such as the eutrophication test and the acidity test. In the eutrophication section we tested for phosphate, nitrate, and dissolved oxygen. The average number of phosphate was 0.1 parts per million(ppm). The nitrate test had an average of 1.2 parts per million, the dissolved oxygen tests average was 10.8. All these numbers out of the test are very good and safe. For the acidity test the average ph was 7.0 which is neutral on the ph scale. The average alkalinity test was 77.5 and both of those numbers are fantastic to have for a creek. Along with the …show more content…
Using a bamboo stick, string, and a bobber we tested the velocity of the surface water. The average depth of the water was 39.8 centimeters deep. The average distance of the string was 241.1 centimeters long. The average time was 14 seconds from the start of the string to the end of the string. The average velocity of the surface water was 19.4. For the procedure we used 9 different locations in the creek to find the depth of the water, the time it would take to go from one end of the string to the other. Finally, we used the locations to find the velocity of different spots in the