Why do I need personal growth? If I can able to provide right answers to the questions, I think I will have good outcome at the end of the day. But if no right answers were provided, I would start by re-defining my personal goals. I would assume that nothing good will never come easy in my life. There will be always good time to celebrate and bad time to fix things. Once my personal value has been defined, I will choose to focus on it because it will allow me to do what I really want in life. These will safe-guide me along the way by not getting distracted or pay attention to anything that may counter my defined goals. As life is becoming more demanding, people would love to share their opinions, I will act positively to their opinions because negative energy to people opinions in most occasions lead to imbalance state of mind. I will take time to find out my capacity and strength to do things and how I can best make use of them to achieve my personal