Activity 5a Case Study

Words: 835
Pages: 4

Brad Lantz – Activity 5A A school district is in the business of educating and taking care of people’s children for at least 7.5 hours a day, and approximately 180 days per year. Therefore, it is important that parents and guardians of students in your building, feel as though they can trust and rely on the employees of the school who they have tasked to provide the education and care for their children. Without this trust, a school is destined to fail and not succeed in its overall mission of educating the youth of a community. This is precisely why it is imperative that phone calls, emails, and written correspondence get acknowledged and addressed as quickly as possible. It is human nature to want to have your concerns and questions taken seriously and taken care of quickly, …show more content…
If a teacher wants to respond to a parent email after school hours, that is their prerogative, but I do not feel the teacher should have to take time out of their evening with their family, to respond to a parent or student email. If it is an emergency situation, where a student is in danger, then that is a much different scenario and should be addressed accordingly with school policy. However, most emails and telephone calls that happen at the end of the day or after school hours can be addressed the next school day, or if it is over the weekend, then the following Monday. Responses to parent correspondence should take place as quickly as possible, depending on the circumstances. If facts have to be gathered and other opinions sought when gathering an answer to a parental correspondence, then at the very least, it is imperative that the teacher or administrator acknowledges the parent’s message and lets them know they are looking into it and will get back to them once they have the information to address the parents’ question or concern. “No contact should be allowed to