Acute Appendicitis Research Paper

Words: 1183
Pages: 5

Shaun Belmontes
Brookline College

Surgical Tech Mod 3
Alison Gierach
September 29, 2014


Appendectomy An Appendectomy is normally an emergent surgery that is normally only performed for acute appendicitis. Appendicitis is normally caused by an obstruction of the appendiceal lumen, which becomes infected and inflamed and can affect organs that are near by if not treated fast. The appendix is located right underneath the cecum of the large intestine and terminal lleum. If appendicitis goes to long with out being treated it can burst causing the infection to leak out into the abdominal cavity and cause wide spread infection of the abdominal cavity. Some signs and symptoms of acute
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In some cases of appendicitis when the appendix has been infected for a while the white blood cell count can be elevated and fever can accompany that. A physician will perform a physical examination to reveal tenderness especially rebound pain in the lower right quadrant they are also looking for a palpable mass in the area of the appendix. The most common sign of appendicitis is the rebound pain or tenderness in the lower right quadrant and another name for the area is the McBurney’s point. Some diagnostic tests that a physician might do to diagnose a patient with appendicitis are a CT scan or an ultrasound. Unlike most cases or surgeries the patient has time to prepare for it and has certain steps that need to be taken in preparation for the surgery, but with appendicitis there is not really much a patient can do to prepare for this case because of the fact that it is an emergency surgery. Really the only few things that a patient might be told to not do in preparation is to not eat anything prior …show more content…
Using a 3-0 absorbable suture and a small taper needle pass through the cecum, around the base of the appendix using a purse string technique.
6. The crushed base is then ligated with a 0 absorbable tie and the appendix is cut off with an electrosurgical unit or with scissors or even a scalpel.
7. The appendiceal stump is then inverted within the lumen of the cecum and a purse string suture technique is done to tie off the wound. The surgical tech then gently pushes the stump inside the lumen using a crile and as the suture is tightened the tech unclamps the hemostat and gently removes it.
8. At this point the incision is then closed in the correct order of the layers that were opened.
Surgical Technologist Considerations
As with every surgery that surgical technologist assists in there are certain considerations that they need to take account for. There are practical consideration, procedural considerations, and postoperative considerations or immediate postoperative care.
Practical Considerations
• Have a major set on stand by just incase you need some of the instruments in there.
• For a female patient, a laparotomy might be first preformed in order to rule out an ovarian cyst or ectopic pregnancy.