Drug Addiction in Georgia:
Presently, cocaine is the most commonly cited addiction throughout Georgia addiction centers. Cocaine usually enters Georgia via bulk quantities of powder. It is then converted it into crack by locals.
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The specific areas most affected are the Gainesville, Dalton and Atlanta areas.
Mental Illnesses in Georgia:
Not only does the state of Georgia have its hands full with drug and alcohol addictions, it also has an abundance of mental illness cases. Of the 9.7 million residents who call Georgia home, as estimated 349,000 adults live with a serious mental illness.
Best Drug and Mental Health Rehab/Treatment Centers in Georgia:
When an addict or person struggling with mental health issues decides they are ready for help, the following are some of the best rehabilitation options within the state of Georgia:
Laurelwood: Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Center:
Located in Northeast Georgia in Gainsville, Laurelwood Treatment Center caters to addicts as well as those who are suffering with mental illness. The facility boasts 54 beds and holds the distinction of being the region’s largest free-standing, not-for-profit and private hospital specifically dedicated to the treatment of substance abuse and mental illness.
Atlanta Addictive Disease and Psychiatric Medicine