Adolescent Identity Exploration: A Brief Summary

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“Adolescent identity exploration: a test of Erikson's theory of transitional crisis” by Kidwell and others, is a third study which examines existential crisis and it’s affects on adolescents. Since Erikson states that identity crises make the self vulnerable and that individuals often suffer from “subjective discomfort, confusion, mood swings, ego defenses, impulsivity, acting-out, and heightened physical and somatic complaints,” Kidwell’s study wishes to “find empirical evidence concerning Erikson's view that adolescent identity exploration is associated with reduced ego strength and the occurrence of psychological and physical symptoms” (Kidwell et al., 1995, p. 1). The study found that there is support with Erikson’s ideas of exploration …show more content…
5). This study clearly supports Erikson’s theories in its discoveries, and possibly the other researchers would agree with the study. Nair focuses on sexual abuse which this study did not, but certainly if one went through this experience they would likely not be confident in exploration, meaning they would have a weak ego. However, this study may not agree with Nair in that some individuals never suffer from an identity crisis, also known as identity diffusion. Andrews discusses the importance and reasons why these crises happen, which Kidwell does no expand upon, but since Andrew’s findings seem to exemplify Erikson’s this means that Kidwell would have probably found these reasons for crises if it had been tested. In my experience, I agree that during my identity crisis I felt these exact emotions mentioned in Kidwell’s study. This is because I felt quite vulnerable and unsure of myself when I was an undecided major. However, I know that after this crisis, I now feel like a whole person and my ego certainly has changed from