The Other Country
The Race to Provide by 2050
Executive Summary
By 2050 the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion people. That is in increase of more than thirty percent compared to today’s population. Nearly all of this population growth will occur in developing countries. Urbanization will continue to grow at an accelerated pace, leading to a higher urbanized land percentage. In order to feed this larger population, food production must increase by seventy percent. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global projections show that in addition to projected investments in agriculture, further significant investment will be needed to enhance access to food, otherwise some 370 million people could still be hungry in 2050, almost 5 percent of the developing countries' population. Sub-Saharan Africa's population alone is expected to grow 108 percent to 910 million people, and East and South East Asia's population is expected to grow 11 percent to 228 million people.
The necessary increase in food production can be achieved if the correct investment is undertaken and policies conducive to agricultural production are put in place. This does not ensure food security however, which is an increased risk associated with the possibility of increased production.
The world has the resources and technology to eradicate hunger and ensure long-tern food security for all, in spite of the many challenges and risks. It needs to mobilize political will and build the necessary institutions to ensure that key decisions on investments and policies to eradicate hunger are taken and implemented effectively. The time to act is now.
The recession and the sharp increases in food prices that occurred in global and national markets over recent years, have raised the awareness of the general public to the fragility of the global food system as a whole. We, as a people, are at the point now where awareness does nothing, action is a must. The United States is looked upon as one of the major resources for this challenge, food production, technology and policy wise. However, the United States is not the only country with the vast possibilities to put steps into action.
Brazil is known for its enormous rainforest and Amazon River, stunning scenery and exciting carnivals. However, the one major thing Brazil should be known for and is not is the countries agricultural prowess. When it comes to feeding over nine billion people by the year 2050, I believe Brazil is the key to feeding the world.
The perspective for 2050 raises a number of important questions. These questions cover the areas of agricultural production potential, sustainable uses of natural resources, technological breakthroughs, climate change, energy scarcity and population growth rates. To address all of those questions the FAO convened a three-day “Meeting of Experts” in Rome in 2009. It was determined at the meeting that it is possible to produce enough food in 2050 to meet the needs of the constantly growing population, but that is was assumed policies would be put in place to help facilitate the needed increase in food production.
Brazil can feed the World
Brazil is a country that is growing in numerous ways. Over the past twenty years Brazil has surged into one of the largest global market players, especially in the agricultural industry. In order for the population to be fed, more food has to be produced, meaning more land suitable for agricultural cultivation must be found. Considering the current land usage could in no way support the need that is coming finding suitable land is crucial. The seventy percent increase in food production that is required to feed the world is a direct correlation to the land that will be needed also. According to the FAO most of this usable land space is available in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. It projects that the area of arable land will be