Afghanistan War Research Paper

Words: 766
Pages: 4

British army
The Afghanistan war started on the 7th October 2007 after the US invasion of Afghanistan and is still carrying on to this day. The war's public aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power. The US was supported by Canada and the UK and later by a coalition of over 40 countries, including NATO members. The United States and the allied countries teamed up with the local anti-Taliban units to try and overthrow the Taliban government occupying Afghanistan. During the war the coalition countries launched ground and air attacks against the Taliban in order to try and make their numbers dwindle. The attacks on the Taliban and al-Qaeda were very successful
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After the defeat of al-Qaeda and the Taliban, Afghanistan began to return to peace and became a democracy with a parliament and president elected by civilians. In 2003 the Taliban begin to reform and in 2004 the Taliban gathered more strength and began to make Afghanistan unstable once more. In 2006 the United Kingdom’s forces were deployed to Afghanistan to help the country return to peace once more. The UK was deployed to Helmand province and had a plan called the “Helmand plan” which they abandoned for a “Platoon house strategy” which involved soldiers holding outposts. The British Army had many injuries in their outposts and due to explosives injuries and enemies opening fire on them. The number off UK causalities began to climb dramatically which meant that the war began to grow unpopular with the UK public which led to the Prime Minister announcing the withdrawal of troops in 2011 and the last of our troops leaving …show more content…
In the back of the air ambulances is a full team of nurses and doctors, including specialist trauma and emergency care surgeons. They keep the patient alive until they arrive back to base, where they then receive one of the world’s best emergency rooms. The operating theatre has a team of specialist surgeons that go to work to try and save the soldier’s life. This team even includes top plastic surgeons who give their time up to volunteer to help amputees and burns victims in