We are now approaching the end of our fiscal year, and due to the threat of a deeply rooted deficit that our law enforcement agency is facing there are a few things that must be addressed. We will continue doing what is best for the company and officers now as well going into the near future. Too many agencies within our agency are becoming too reckless on spending and we will not wait until all of our accredited money and resources has exhausted. No we will begin a strategy and a plan to balance the books making sure no matter how much money or credit we have saved away we will keep saving for emergencies in the future for rainy days that may seem like a long distance but, we do not know when we will need to spend more than we have for a good reason and common cause amongst all agencies within our law enforcement department.
The goal that we will shall be focused on the save more and spend less method. The objective will be to cut our spending cost down at least by 20% of the spending balance that we already have in place. The function that I propose is through balancing the way we are excessively buying unnecessary law enforcement supplies, ridiculous travel and personal expense and last but not least the getting rid of all old technology and transforming our training and way of doing business through a new and up to date system that will automatically keep an eye on who is spending what? Why are they spending? And is it worth me adding it to our proposal that must be approved by the legislator and higher officials of government before being signed and approved for a good cause. If we begin to show that our agency knows how to sacrifice in order to be good at balancing our expenses than we will be that perfect example that will be set for all other city agencies within other states. Although I will not draw up a proposal on the platform of competition we will definitely set our goals to compete with other agencies showing that we can meet the criteria’s.
Discuss I would like our whole agency to be aware that I am aware of the positive as well as negative results in change management yet I would like you all to understand the worse solution would do be unemployed officers and staff. Many may think some peers who are already ten steps ahead of them in much training will be in a better position with new system. And many may think it is not fair that they have worked so hard to get to a certain position and now all is made equal to them. So I understand that some may like the proposal and some may not. Those who think it will be unfair I will be all open for ideas. However remember that technology is always evolving so if our technology is evolving than one should understand that positions are evolving as well.