Chapter 6 Curriculum-Based Assessment Reports
Test Name: Curriculum-Based Measurements
Examiner: Amanda Stempihar
Date: March 5th, 2015
Text: Chapter Six, Assessment for Reading Instruction (Page 151)
I. Assessment Description:
For the Fluency, Curriculum-Based Measurement assessment, Pearson Aimsweb fluency passages were used. Aimsweb fluency passages are an informal, but norm-referenced, progress-monitoring screening system that can be used frequently. In order to determine if students are at expected levels in their reading fluency, Jan Hasbrouck recommends the following time-line: first-graders should be screened in the winter and the spring; second- through fifth-graders should be screened in the fall, winter, and spring. For screening purposes, passages are selected at the student's grade level. In order to diagnose, passages are selected at the student's instructional level. Finally, for progress monitoring purposes, passages are selected at the student's goal level. An independent fluency level is considered to …show more content…
The assessment itself tends to flow quickly, and in general, is also very easy to score. In addition, if a multiple-student caseload needs to be progress-monitored, it is also very easy to set up a system with multiple adults to administer the assessment and progress monitor student growth over time. In regard to progress monitoring fluency, Hasbrouck also recommends progress monitoring frequently, specifically at as often as once per week for students who are reading more than one year below level. However, although it is important to progress monitor fluency frequently to determine instructional effectiveness, once per two weeks may be more practical and allow for more effective instruction as most teachers are monitoring many students at a