Air Force Supply Chain Analysis

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Pages: 5

1. Information operations include actions taken to gain, exploit, defend, or attack information and information systems. It applies across the range of military operations, from peace to all-out conflict. Understanding of information operations must clearly includes two conceptually distinct but extremely interconnected pillars: information-in-warfare the “gain” and “exploit” aspects or information-based processes and information warfare the “attack” and “defend” aspects.

2. Information warfare is information operations conducted to defend one’s own information and information systems or attacking and affecting an adversary’s information and information systems. The defensive aspect, defensive Counter information, much like strategic
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IO comprise those actions taken to gain, exploit, defend, or attack information and information systems and include both information- in-warfare and information warfare and are conducted throughout all phases of an operation and across the range of military operations.

5. The Air Force has embraced the concepts of information superiority, IO, IIW, and IW to limit its own potential vulnerabilities and to exploit the enemy’s vulnerability.

6. the increased in ability to access, process, and store information, coupled with its ever-increasing dependence on information systems and information infrastructures has driven the Air Force to reexamine and redefine how it integrates information-related activities into its functions.

Main consideration

7. Counter information operations must be performed simultaneously and in parallel. Specific IW actions can alternate between OCI and DCI in a continuing cycle, literally at the speed of light.

8. Theater-level strategic, operational, and tactical information warfare, employing a combination of deployable and reach back capabilities, in concert with Aerospace Expeditionary Task Force
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The goal of DCI is to ensure the necessary defense of information and information systems that support military operations. Security measures includes following aspects:-

(i) OPSEC. It is not a collection of specific rules and instructions that can be applied to every operation. it is a methodology that can be applied to any operation or activity for the purpose of denying critical information to the adversary. OPSEC is applied to all military activities at all levels of command OPSEC is a process of identifying critical information and subsequently analyzing the friendly actions that accompany military operations.

(ii) Information assurance. The measures to protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authenticity, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. The information assurance process is applied through technology-based activities.

(iii) Counterdeception. It is the effort to negate, neutralize, diminish the effects of, or gain advantage from a foreign deception operation. Counterdeception can ensure friendly decision makers are aware of adversary deception activities to take appropriate