At the young age of 15, Akiane Kramarik, a legend and child prodigy, created this piece titled “Path.” She is praised for her incredible skill and ability to paint far more advanced work than other women her age. With the talent God gave her, she is able to reach the longing hearts of many people. Her artwork is designed to tug at the innermost parts of our hearts and minds, prompting the rush of thoughts and questions we experience upon viewing it. The story behind her talent is extraordinary and seemingly impossible to …show more content…
Growing up, Akiane lived in the country and was homeschooled. Their family had no friends or relatives. Having a simple life away from the buzz of entertainment, they spent time exploring and enjoying nature. Although the family had no form of religion, at the age of four, Akiane would create pictures expressing spiritual experiences she’d had. This sparked her passion for art. As time passed, her artwork and skills advanced. By the age of eight she had finished a five-foot long oil painting of Christ titled “Prince of Peace,” which has now become an iconic piece of art viewed by millions. She continues to express her love for the Lord and spiritual impressions through her artwork that creatively and beautifully emphasizes the fact that God is in and around us. Viewers’ eyes are captured by unique colors, contrasts, and structures.