Al America Executive Summary

Words: 646
Pages: 3

The main components of Al-Americana’s ‘consolidated financial statements 2015’ are seven:
1) Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders.
2) Consolidated statement of financial position.
3) Consolidated statement of income.
4) Consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
5) Consolidated statement of changes in equity.
6) Consolidated statement of cash flows.
7) Notes to the consolidated financial statements.

The consolidated financial statement has been prepared in accordance with the international financial reporting standards ‘IFRS’.
It also has been prepared on the historical cost except for investment properties and certain financial instruments that are measured at fair values.

The principal
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Comment: Revenues increased by almost 5% as an outcome of the change in the competitive markets.

Question8: Al Americana’s net profit for 2014: 52021 Al Americana’s net profit for 2015: 43899 Net profit decreased by 8122. Comment: In 2014 the year had ended with a reported net profit of 52021, while in 2015 the group achieved reduction and ended the year by 43899

Question9: Current ratio equation = Total current assets / Total current liabilities
Total current assets = 331914 Total current liabilities = 230419 Total current assets / Total current liabilities = Current ratio 331914 / 230419 = 1.44
Total current assets = 361047 Total current liabilities = 236971 Total current assets / Total current liabilities = Current