Alagille Watson Syndrome Research Paper

Words: 543
Pages: 3

Alagille Watson Syndrome also known as Alagille Syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder that causes problems with the liver, eyes, heart, skeleton, and facial appearance. This disease causes new borns to be jaundice and in older patients it causes the bile ducts to be slowed and clogged. It also causes heart and eye abnormalities and it also causes a butterfly vertebra which is the failure to fuse the later halves of the vertebrae. If parents or other members of your siblings have this disease it only slightly affects them and isn’t that prominent to cause major issues which is the case in my family because my parents or my sister doesn’t show any signs of having this disease. In their studies of this disease they were able to find out that it affects chromosome 20p12. This disease is so rare it only affects every 1 in every 100,000 live births. …show more content…
I never really knew what this disease does to the body besides it ruined my liver from birth. When I was two months old I was diagnosed with this disease and by two years old I had my first transplant from my aunt on my dad’s side of the family. When I was fifteen my liver started failing again because of cirrhosis and I had to have another liver transplant along with a kidney transplant at the age of 17 from a cadaver patient. The doctors told me eventually the same thing will happen again because of all the antirejection medications like Prograf and Celcept will eventually cause cirrhosis of the liver