“Social, Mental, and Cognitive Development with an Alcoholic Parent” informs your audience about the various effects alcoholism of a parent can influence on a child. Alcoholism does not only affect the victim, but their surroundings as well. The introduction grabbed my attention and made me want to read more to learn of the long lasting effects the behaviors of an alcoholic parent have on their child. Throughout the research paper, you magnify your focus on the psychosocial effects children of alcoholics experience compared to those of their peers of non-alcoholic parents. There are a few treatments offered to assist children of alcoholic parents reduce the negative prolonged effects. You clearly states the topic of the research paper through the well established thesis. …show more content…
In the second paragraph, I really enjoyed how you were precise with the number of Americans affected by alcoholism. The use of percentages raised my awareness of the topic and increased my interest in the topic. Moreover, you do an effective job at explaining the definitions of the many programs introduced throughout the paper. The definitions provided made it easy for me as the reader to understand the information presented and the ways in which each program benefited different age groups.
In addition, the thirteen characteristics established by Dr. Janet G. Woititz are very informative and were useful in allowing the reader to make connections to the real life situations. You also do a good job at providing concrete detail to describe each characteristic, then later uses examples to refer back to the list. The use of examples makes the characteristics more comprehensible to the reader. The clear understanding of these characteristics create a nice flow for the rest of the paper. The order of the paper is well developed and I experienced no confusion while reading your