(2020, September 12). Latino boom chapter 8 resources. Latino Stories. https:latinostories.com/latino-boom-chapter-8-resources/ This website summarizes stories, one of which is “Obliterate the Night”. This source is useful for getting a concept of the story’s plot, but it is not appropriate for inclusion in my essay. It lacks highly significant material or other information that could be valuable for my article. I will not use this source because it is not an excellent academic source and does not contain material that could be beneficial to my essay. Leader Press. 2022, May 28. Literary elements of a story: The Complete Guide. LinkedIn.com. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/literary-elements-story-complete-guide-leaderspress/ This article provides a great description of all literary elements and how they can be used strategically to bring value to a story and capture the reader. It is an excellent source because it provides specific information about writing aspects and how, depending on how they are used, they can influence the reader by introducing pathos, logos, and ethos. I will be using this source to back up my thoughts and explain how Saenz used literary aspects throughout “Obliterate the Night” to emotionally touch the