"Alert(/Xss/) Essay

Submitted By trollophile
Words: 1185
Pages: 5

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Assessment Objective |Pass |Tick |Merit |Tick |Distinction |Tick | |AO1
Design a multimedia website

|Candidates will produce a proposal for a website. This will include some details of purpose and target audience. | |Candidates will produce a proposal for a website. This will include details of purpose and target audience. | |Candidates will produce a proposal for a website. This will include details of purpose and target audience. | | | |Candidates will source and store components to use in their website. | |Candidates will source and store components to use in their website. | |Candidates will source and store components to use in their website. | | | |They will produce • a site plan, • basic house style • and simple page plans for five web pages • showing a possible link system between them. | |They will produce • a site plan, • a suitable house style • and page plans for at least five web pages • showing a clear navigation structure • and showing the position and details of most components (eg images, text, animations, interactive elements, video, sound). | |They will produce • a site plan, • a detailed house style • and page plans for at least five web pages • showing a clear navigation structure • and showing the position and details of all components (eg images, text, animations, interactive elements, video, sound). | | | |The page plans may not always be accurate. | | | | | | |

Assessment Objective |Pass |Tick |Merit |Tick |Distinction |Tick | |AO2
Create multimedia webpages

|Candidates will show basic competence in producing web pages containing text and images. | |Candidates will produce web pages containing text and images. | |Candidates will produce web pages containing text and images. | | | |There may be errors in the text, but meaning will be clear. | |There will be consistency to the layout and house style of the web pages, although there may be some exceptions.

Meaning of text will be clear but there may be some errors. | |There will be consistency to the layout and house style of the web pages. Styles will be consistently applied to text used on the web pages.

Meaning of text will be clear and there will be minimal textual errors. | | | |Images must be suitable for purpose. | |A range of suitable images will be evident.

Image optimisation will be evidenced by showing that image size has been altered for some image files.

Images will be of good quality and scaled in proportion. | |A range of suitable images will be evident.

Image optimisation will be evidenced by showing that image size has been altered for image files as appropriate.

An explanation of the need for their images to be optimised will be given.

Images will be of good quality and scaled in proportion. | | | |A method of navigation to all pages must be evident. | |A method of navigation to all pages must be evident. | |A effective method of navigation to all pages must be evident. | | | |Candidates will provide evidence showing a basic folder structure although folder and filenames may not always be suitable. | |Candidates will provide evidence of a suitable folder structure. Folder and filenames will be suitable for purpose.
Some backup procedures will be evidenced. | |Candidates will provide evidence of a suitable folder structure. Folder and filenames will be suitable for purpose.
Full back up procedures will be evidenced. | | |

Assessment Objective |Pass |Tick |Merit |Tick |Distinction |Tick | |AO3
Create functioning hyperlinks

|Candidates will link together all pages. Linking methods may not be consistent and may lack structure. | |Candidates will link together all pages, Linking methods should be consistent and will