He taught Alexander the Incomparable Verse, Geometry, Morals, Legislative issues, Reasoning et cetera. Aristotle opened Alexander's eyes to the endless world that was unexplored and gave him a copy of the "Iliad" by Homer to keep. "Homer's Iliad breathed life into Alexander to ache for transforming into a valiant warrior" (crf-usa). Achilles - a legend of the Trojan war-in the novel "Iliad" began a dream in Alexander to be much the same as him. Alexander the Incomparable revered Achilles and set him as a standard for himself; he assumed that he could get the opportunity to be as uncommon as the holy person, Achilles. Alexander the Incomparable valued the book to the point that he would convey it with him to every excursion, and put it under his pad. "...he transformed into a warrior and left on his first military try" (Bio) Alexander the Incomparable put it all on the line a noteworthy and used what he picked up from the book the "Iliad" and carried it with him into