Alexis De Tocqueville's Democracy In America

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Pages: 4

Alexis de Tocqueville, a French aristocrat wrote a book, Democracy in America, after visiting in 1831 and later codified his observations and findings publishing into two volumes, 5 years apart. This book is said to be one of the most defining and significant books documenting American political life. Tocqueville began to gravitate towards studying America and her stable democratic policies and liberties. In France, his homeland was having troubles with democracy and he theorized that democracy will be an inevitable and imminent revolution around the world for the future so after gaining a grant from France he traveled across America to study Democracy. In his work Tocqueville began to admire and grow a deep sentiment attached to the idea of American Democracy and he wanted to understand its flaws and shortcomings as well as the answers to these problems or at least a stable idea of what is needed for a democracy to work. All of this …show more content…
The power of an ideal American democratic government is sovereignty; this gives the people the responsibility to derive educated and qualified decisions of whom they wish to run their government by placing them into roles of power, such as the role of President or State Mayor. Tocqueville hints that people won’t always make the best decisions on electing people for positions of power. Thusly he believed that democracy would not work if the people are not motivated enough to be educated citizens and vote in a man they believe that shoulder their views of running the government. Ignorance of the people was one of the flaws of the people who would just flock to the majority at the slightest provocation of their idea being expressed. Since people are required to