With this being said, this question generally asks who should be allowed to pass judgement on what group of people. For Goffman this question allows for doubt in her findings and her presentation of her study. It could be said that Goffman entered the study with her own set of bias before she started the study and was unable to observe the environment objectively. It is this critisiom that would lead many in the discipline to question what is a good ethnographic study. For many it would be something that adds to the knowledge that scholars have about a group of people. In essence however, an ethnography is a case study experience that would not be considered generalizable. In order to relieve some tension with this issue of methodology the same study should be reviewed in a qualitative manner to assess the findings of Goffman. Meaning findings that could be considered somewhat subject could be cross checked through qualitative means. For instance, one of the very first findings expressed in the book is that African American males avoid the hospital to avoid possible jail