I was born in Slemani, Iraq, where my parents developed a vision. This vision consisted of a better life, not only for themselves but especially for me. Although the idea was doubtful, they dreamed to raise me in a place where I wasn’t exposed to war, death, dictatorship, and gender inequality. That place was Canada. They wanted a proper education that would fuel me mentally to become the best version of myself, an environment where I could learn to love, create, and give back. The journey here was difficult to say the least, but my driven parents knew the dream wasn’t far from becoming a reality. With impractical amounts of patience my parents pulled through and their son would soon become a Canadian Citizen.
I still think back on it today. I am beyond lucky to have had the opportunity to live in a beautiful place and I am aware of my blessing, that is why I'm ambitious. My ambition has lead to me to put 110% into anything I find passion for. These hobbies range from arts to athletics, specifically my love for lifting weights and playing basketball. This originated from my aspirations to become fit. In 2011-2012 I was morbidly obese weighing 220 pounds, until one day I decided to change my whole lifestyle. I proceeded to go through 6 months of hard fought training and dieting; as a result I reached a healthy weight of 160 pounds and had abs for the first time in my life. Don’t be mistaken, I'm not bragging about my accomplishments, but my past has engraved a competitive nature into my mind. I want to be the best at everything I do, whether that’s making a friend, making a shot, or making a change in this world. I do not take time for granted, and I want to maximize the value of every second. I was raised to do great things. I owe it to my parents; and I will make them proud.
It astonishes me the number of people I face almost daily that misinterpret my lifestyle, mindset, and intentions. When I am underestimated I am disrespected. People seem confused when I share my goals, and how important my education is to me. They need