All Star Cheerleading Research Paper

Words: 533
Pages: 3

You may be wondering, is cheerleading considered a sport? Well, it most definitely is! Being a cheerleader can be very time consuming and requires a lot of dedication to your sport.There are different forms of cheerleading, sideline/school, all-star, professional, and. All types of cheerleading, regardless of the difficulty, requires high athleticism and the ability to be a team player and be dedicated to your team. One of the most popular types of cheerleading is all-star cheerleading, which was first introduced in 1994. All-star cheerleading first began when the first 2 gym locations, Cheer Athletics and Top Gun All Stars opened in that same year, and those along with many other gyms are still thriving today, and a few even have multiple locations. …show more content…
These types of cheerleaders also represent a gym, not a school or a sport (Ninemire, Valerie “Understanding the Different Types of Cheerleaders, 2019). All-star cheerleading also tends to be considered more “fun” as opposed to the other types. Another type of cheerleading, sideline cheerleading, does not require as much work as all-star or some of the others. Sideline cheerleading has been around ever since schools started, not becoming official until 1898 when Johnny Campbell, who was a student at the University of Minnesota,got up during a football game and hopped over the fence and began to chant “Rah, Rah, Rah!Ski-u-mah! Hoo-Rah! I am a snoob! Hoo-Rah! I am a