They know nothing of the outside world because they have never been free of able to hear of it. This is very much alike to Truman. Christof also states, "I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life.The world you live in, is the sick place." Truman has only been exposed to one place and one life just like the prisoner. He never was able to learn about the outside world because it w sealed away from him, just like the prisoners couldn't see or hear of it. Truman was basically a prisoner because he was only given one world and lived in it because that was all he knew just as the prisoners only knew the …show more content…
I think we as people like to watch others and see life changing events take place in others because it is entertaining and gives us something to do. We also watch things in envy because some characters lives and celebrities have things that we lack of or desire. We may watch their lives to see how ours would be if we were in the same position as theirs. The viewers of the Truman show watched his life because it was entertaining and his life was perfect. He had a wife and a good job with a nice large house and friendly neighbors. This is the type of life most people would desire because many cannot be so fortunate so they enjoy watching how it is for others. "220 countries tuned in for his first steps." Some families may not be fortunate enough to have children and be able to watch them grow. Watching Truman may have helped them cope and put them in the place of watching their own child