Allo-Graft Research Paper

Words: 586
Pages: 3

An auto-graft is tissue that is transplanted from one part of the body to another part of the same body.
This means that an organ is used somewhere else on the same body. In instances of a damaged, missing, or defective organ or tissue, this procedure is done surgically. Parts that can be auto-grafted are the skin, bone, tendons blood vessels, eyes and nerves.
An Allo-graft, it is tissue or an organ that comes from another person to a person that is not genetically identical. Allo-grafts are mainly used to replace damaged skin due to burns, replacing kidneys due to kidney failure, hearts, bones and other assorted organs can be used. Sources of allo-grafts can be stored in tissue banks, for when a patient is in need of organ transplantation or some are taken from cadavers and people that choose to donate their organs while they are still alive.
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Xeno-grafts are done on specie to protect temporarily from infection for burn victims, as well as in the process of cancer, the patients receive xeno-grafts to repair internally damaged organs and is also available to diabetics in advanced stages may receive a xeno-graft as a means of restoring a section of skin on the feet or legs that has deteriorated as a result of the disease
Organ theft- Doctors tend to get bribed to get organs from dead people. This is highly unethical because, if it’s taken from a dead person that didn’t sign up to be an organ donor. It is considered organ theft.
Religious and cultural reasons- people from cultures and religions that don’t support organ donation. But choose to be post-mortem donors anyway. Might cause tension amongst the family of the post-mortem donor and the doctors.
Buying and selling of organs- in most countries it is illegal to sell and buy organs. Because there is a waiting list if there is an organ for you, then you will get