Throughout the novel there is a big focus on Allys’s opinion on human rights and ethics. This is shown through her speech, actions, appearances, and other’s opinions. For speech, Allys quotes “All I know is that a lot of ‘intelligent and qualified’ people screwed up my life 2 years ago”. This shows how Allys blames the people who tried to treat her with antibiotics and resulted in her losing limbs. She thinks antibiotics should have been regulated a long time ago when people first knew about the dangers of overuse. In another quote, Allys says “Only the FSEB can fix this mess we’ve made. But it’s too late for me now”, which shows her trust in the …show more content…
A quote on page 63 states “The girl struggles to get up. She has a brace in each hand”. This quote emphasises on the fact that she is very weak and needs braces to stand. It also shows what the infection did to her.
For Others opinions, Allys shows just how important she thinks human rights are when she chooses it over her friend Jenna. In a quote on page 233, jenna says “That’s what she whispered to me. That’s what she meant. It’s not a secret. She told her parents. She told them to report me.” Even though Allys was dying and could not report Jenna, she told her parents that jenna was illegal so they could report her instead. This shows how Allys values human rights over