Alt Right Discrimination

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Pages: 4

Discrimination and racism color America’s history. From the foundation of the KKK to now, hate groups have plagued our society. Starting on August 11th of this year, around 250 white men gathered in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E Lee, the famous Confederate war general. This started a protest that lasted two days and cemented the “alt-right” as a movement. An NPR article entitled “'Unite The Right': Charlottesville Rally Represented Collection Of Alt-Right Groups” contains a transcription of an interview with George Hawley, the author of the book “Making Sense Of The Alt-Right” where he goes into detail about the mentality of the alt-right movement. He describes how and why the alt-right chose to protest, and …show more content…
The alt-right, and more specifically the Charlottesville protest, consisted of predominantly young, millennial men. The makeup of the alt-right is important because as Hawley pointed out, the movement is not “stereotypically conservative” (Hawley). The alt-right breaks a lot of preconceived stereotypes about radical hate groups and the belief that they consist of white, elderly, southern men. However, one stereotype that was correct is the gender makeup. As Peggy Mcintosh artfully points out men are often unwilling “to grant that they are overprivileged” (Macintosh). Their denial of “male privilege” allows for inequalities in gender to prevail in our society. In terms of gender the alt-rights movements reflect what Macintosh was discussing in her article, but when it comes to race the alt-right take a radically different approach. She mentions the “oppressive unconscious,” or when one subconsciously oppresses another group creating subliminal discrimination (Macintosh). However, the alt-right chanted in the streets their superiority. The alt-right represents a perfect example of how the belief of white superiority can “distort … humanity” (Macintosh). The alt-right represent an extreme group of hatred that begins in their identities and continues on into their goals as a …show more content…
Before the Charlottesville protests, the alt-right was nothing more than “anonymous Twitter trolls” (Hawley). The goal of the protests was to solidify the movement as more than just a joke and to “be seen out in the real world” (Hawley). The alt-right attempted to create a what Mary C Waters calls a “symbolic ethnicity” (Waters). There is no real social cost for the members in choosing to identify, it’s completely voluntary. However, for the alt-right, the identity of a white supremacist is a crucial part of the movement. The alt-right embodies the belief that their identity holds power and purpose beyond what Waters depicts in her writing. Waters depicts white ethnicity as being an optional identifier; however, the alt-right movement views it as something different. To them, being white is the most important part of a person's identity. This false importance on race drives the movement to racist, irrational goals in order to preserve their perceived ethnicity. Overall, in an attempt to show the world how serious the alt-right is, the Charlottesville protests served as a giant declaration of the self-proclaimed white