Amelia Earhart's Life And Accomplishments

Words: 406
Pages: 2

Amelia Earhart was born in the summer of 1897 to a prosperous family. She was a daughter of a lawyer and a granddaughter of a prominent judge. Amelia was a tomboy who was an adept mathematician, a quick thinker and wore loose pants called bloomers. She also diligently built a roller coaster with her younger sister Muriel, who was much like her. At that time, if girls did not follow rules, they would either be punished by their parents or they would be snubbed by their peers. Amelia loved the outdoors so during Christmas she asked for a football and a sled. Not just any sled but the type that boys had. She adored her dad but he sadly disappointed her by losing his job due to his drinking issues. When Amelia Earhart grew older, she went to NYC