America is the best place on earth, and I could not picture myself ever wanting to live anywhere else. I it not, unfortunately, the number one country. If we think of countries like people in a race, America would be the runner who won first place several years in a row, and got accustomed to being number one. America then stopped her rigorous training and diet programs (that were the reason she was number one), and let herself get fat and stupid, even though the next race is soon to come. Upon race day, America was surprised by the fact that no other countries had also became lazy and gluttonous, and that they were beginning to shatter her records and take her fame. To sum it up nicely: America, in its current …show more content…
It’s democracy and capitalism has created the foundation for the greatest country on earth. The founders of America have written, in the constitution, the way we should govern America, all we need to do is follow it. Geographically it is in the best place possible, It is not landlocked away from the oceans, it is far enough away from Europe, and the rest of the world, to keep us away from their icky politics and the threats and dangers (Hitler, Soviet Union, ISIS) that are the byproduct, and our neighboring countries are peaceful and friendly towards us. Culturally we dominate the world, with our company’s products being used on almost every continent (I think Antarctica, but I can't be sure) and our clothing and music being known and popular overseas. The GDP and economy are very productive and many americans, with hard work and dedication, are able to see a lot of this wealth in their lifetime. America does need change, I cannot say what change it needs, I do not have the research or knowledge to know precisely what those changes are, but I prefer America’s interests to help Americans, not