American Dream Success

Words: 1085
Pages: 5

Jennifer Alvarez
History 12
October 10, 2014 Many of us think of living the American Dream. The idea of being successful just by dedicating hard work, determination and honesty is something we all wish to achieve in life. There have been many stories throughout history that point out that this is in fact very true. These stories are inspirational and we all wish we could achieve that success as well. I do believe that just by living honestly and working hard by determination and watching how they use their money will bring you eat success. It’s not an easy task to achieve; there are many obstacles and temptations that can get in the way of your success. As long as you push forward and keep fighting for what you want, you’re able to find your
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Dick was taught to learn how to read, write and do geometry by his friend. In the end of the book Dick is offered a job that paid him ten dollars a week. He was hired as his counting-room as a clerk. When dick went home he noticed someone had stole his Washington coat and Napoleon pants. Instead of being furious and “pressed onward, and rise as much as possible.” Even after his big promotion, he was still modest and thought of others. He wanted to gather all his regular customers and refer them to Johnny Nolan. His friend has mentioned that he should give his brush to Johnny since he would no longer need to use them since he retired that job but instead of saying “Yes, I’ll give him my old tools” he said “ I’ll give him new ones, but mine I want to keep, to remind me of the hard times I’ve had, when I was an ignorant boot-black, and never expected to be anything …show more content…
He lived in poverty with his family but he learned his ambitions from his family. His mother pushed 20 pounds to get onto the fare to Atlantic to get away from Scotland’s poverty and come into the land of possibilities, America. He started work with his dad and whenever there was an opportunity he was opened to do it and did the best he could. PBS mentioned, “He did each job to the best of his ability and seized every opportunity to take on new responsibilities. For example, he memorized Pittsburgh's street lay-out as well as the important names and addresses of those he delivered to.” After working with Thomas A Scott and his career at the Pennsylvania Railroad, Carnegie saw there was potential in the field. It was a risk, but a good risk in the end. Carnegie felt uneasiness with this life, he wrote to himself, "To continue much longer overwhelmed by business cares and with most of my thoughts wholly upon the way to make more money in the shortest time, must degrade me beyond hope of permanent recovery. I will resign business at thirty-five, but during the ensuing two years I wish to spend the afternoons in receiving instruction and in reading systematically." For the next 30 years he makes an exceptional amount of