Bauer, Grace. “Baby Boomer Issue(s).” Prairie Schooner, Vol. 83 no. 3, 2009, pp. 5-10. Project
MUSE, doi:10.1353/psg.0.0279.
Grace Bauer provides a first hand account analyzing the broad range of the age of Baby
Boomers and tells about an everyday life of a person growing up in this generation, being a Baby Boomer herself. This source provided knowledge of the age’s television and how it affected and altered life at the time. This fact contributed a strong example, although it wasn’t a crucial statement for the topic.
Foley, Connor. (2015). An Analysis of American Propaganda in World War II and the Vietnam
War. In BSU Honors Program Theses and Projects. Item 90. …show more content…
Through this source, knowledge of the types of propaganda that the Silent Generation was exposed to during the time was noted. This aspect was a very vital point to expose to readers why the characteristics of the generation came to be.
Gao, George. “Generation X: America’s Neglected ‘Middle Child.’ “Pew
Research Center, 5 June 2014,
This was an online article that described how Generation X characteristics were compared to the generation before them and the generation after them. The percentages of those surveyed and other stats were formulated into the essay. This source contributed a new idea to the Generation X characteristics.
Kaplan, B.A. “Second-Generation Holocaust Literature: Legacies of Survival and Perpetration
(review). “Journal of Jewish Identities, Vol. 1 no. 2, 2008, pp. 156-158. Project MUSE, …show more content…
“From Gls to Gen Z (Or Is It IGen?): How Generations Get Nicknames.
“NPR, NPR, 6. Oct. 2014,
This is brief NPR source that highlights American generation’s origins and how their labels came to be. It represented a new way of thinking about being of the Silent Generation. This contributed a decent middle-ground of importance in the first body paragraph.
Twenge JM, Exline JJ, Grubbs JB, Sastry R, Campbell WK (2015) Generational and Time
Period Differences in American Adolescents’ Religious Orientation, 1966–2014. PLoS
ONE 10(5): e0121454.
This is a scholarly journal that tells all about the relations between generations and their religious affiliations and other possessed characteristics through nation surveys and analysis. It provided the essay with a further incorporated example in proving a generational trait. This helped support a vital argument in the essay about Generation X.
Val Srinivas, Urval Goradia. “The Future of Wealth in the United States.” Deloitte