American Revolution Vs England's Bloodless Revolution

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Pages: 2

9. Declaration of the Rights of Man. P. 122- Had nothing to rest upon, not only was there a contrast to England’s Bloodless Revolution, but a sharp contrast with what resulted in the United States form the Declaration of Independence which was made thirteen years earlier. One had the Reformation base, the other did not. Within a year it was a dead letter.

10. . Maximilian Robespierre (1758- 1794) p. 124- Was a revolutionary leader, was executed in July 1794.

11. Explain the relationships between each of the following: Russian Revolution, Lenin, Marxists-Leninist communists, Bolsheviks and February Revolution of 1917. Pp. 124-127- Lenin took over Russia, thus causing the Russian Revolution. Marxists-Leninist communists had a great liability in arguing their case because so far in no place have the Communist gained and continued in power. They stifled political freedom; also they removed freedom from every area of life. The Leninists and the Bolsheviks did not make the break for freedom in Russia. That break came with the February Revolution.

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Sozhenitsyn p. 126 - He says in Communism; A Legacy of Terror (1975) “I repeat this was March 1918-only four months after the October Revolution – all the representatives of the Petrograd factories were cursing the Communists, who had deceived them in all their promises what more, not only had they abandoned Petrograd to cold and hunger, themselves having fled form Petrograd to Moscow, but had given orders to machine gun the crowds of workers in the courtyards of the factories who were demanding the election of independent factory