The story takes place in an Italian village during a Carnival. The victim, Fortunato is a wine connoisseur and is drunk when the story begins. Montresor believes that Fortunato has wrongfully insulted him a “thousand times over” and he intends to seek revenge (cite story pg.190).
In the beginning the story starts off with Montresor talking about begin wronged. He goes out and finds Fortunato, who is already drinking from the Carnival. Montresor lures Fortunato back to his family home by appealing to his …show more content…
His screams are echoed back by Montresor and finally there is silence. At the end of the story Montresor says that it was over fifty years ago that this took place and that no one has found the body or accused him of the crime to date.
Poe used some things that I found very interesting in this story. First he named the victim “Fortunato”, indicating that he was of good fortune in life, however he found very little good fortune in this story. This type of dramatic irony was throughout the entire story (
Secondly Poe chose a family crest that was very symbolic of the characters in the story. The crest had a snake that was being stepped on by a boot, while it sunk its teeth into the ankle. This was very symbolic of the two characters. Montresor being the snake that is temporarily being stepped on by Fortunato but in the end that attempt led to his fatal demise (
Lastly during Fortunato’s journey into the catacombs Montresor opens a bottle of wine and Fortunato toasts “to the buried that repose around us” not realizing that he would not be walking out of the catacombs but instead would become one of those “buried that repose” that is buried there (cite book