Amy Cudd's Argument Analysis

Words: 678
Pages: 3

If we start keeping track of the body positions we make throughout the day then it would be impossible for us to keep a track as throughout the day we change our body position many times. I have chosen an very interesting topic to talk about which have influenced the way I thought and have made me think differently just by trying the strategy which Amy Cuddy talks about in her argument. Amy Cuddy in her “Ted Talks” talks about how your body language shapes who you are. Her main argument was to show how our nonverbal govern how we think and feel about ourselves. Amy Cuddy illustrations how “Power posing” standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel self confident can distress our testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and it might even have an impact on our chance for success just by power posing or as she suggested to “Fake it till you make it”. …show more content…
Our minds and thoughts have a different ways of tricking us and making us feel as we may not be talented, smart, or strong enough to be successful. Cuddy suggest that this is the moment when we need to trick ourselves to think that we can do it and the best way to do this is to outsmart ourselves and trick ourselves into “faking it until we make it”. As we are anxious about somewhat we tend to anticipatory socialization, which is the rehearses for something important as a job interview or even a social conversation. At this point Amy Cuddy suggest