Eadership In Implementing The Principles Of Change In Nursing

Submitted By hound864
Words: 955
Pages: 4

eadership in implementing the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and to re-educate in the workplace. In individual practice this can help minimize paper, and other office waste, avoid indiscriminate use of disposable equipment, use energy as efficiently as possible, recycling plastic containers and other recyclable material, observing safe disposal practices, encouraging health facilities to adopt environmentally-friendly organizational policies, and etc.
Also, as a nurse I can educate people about the small changes they can make in their homes that will have a huge impact on the environment. By turning off electrical devices not in use, hanging the laundry outside to dry, driving a fuel efficient car, use energy efficient light bulbs, walking to work, planting a tree, bringing your own bags to the grocery store, recycling, and by supporting environmentally friendly companies. Even reducing toxic emissions and reduce greenhouse gases going into our atmosphere. It is important for companies who manufacture environmentally friendly products to price them so they are available to majority of people. We can’t expect people to purchase environmentally safe products if they are almost double the price of the other choices.

Turning off all the electric appliances is very difficult now, but we can do it in our houses. Computers and lights are the tools that people who live in the city cannot live without, but some people do not turn them off when they do not use them. It not only damages the environment but also wastes the resources. People are very worried that if our environment is becoming worse and our resources are decreasing, it is possible that people will not live on the earth for a long time. The small action that we can do is turning electric appliances off when we do not use them.
The preservation and improvement of the human environment has become increasingly important for man's survival and well-being. The vastness and urgency of the task place on every individual and every professional group the responsibility to participate in the efforts to safeguard man's environment, to conserve the world's resources, to study how their use affects man, and how adverse effects can be avoided.
Help detect ill effects of the environment on the health of man, and vice-versa. The nurse should: o apply observational skills for the detection of ill effects of environment on the individual; o observe individuals in all settings for effects of pollutants in order to advise on protective and/or curative measures; o record and analyze observations made of ill effects on environment and/or pollutants on individuals; o be informed and report observations of the ecological consequences of pollutants and their adverse effects on the human being.
Be informed and apply knowledge in daily work with individuals, families, and/or community groups as to the data available on potential health hazards and ways to prevent and/or reduce them. The nurse should be informed about: o the studies and identification of the environmental problems at local, national, and international level; o their effects on man; o the standards for the protection of the human organism, especially from pollutants; o ways to prevent and/or reduce health hazards.
Be informed and teach preventive measures about health hazards due to environmental factors as well as about conservation of environmental resources to the individual, families, and/or community groups. The nurse can: o request and attend continuing education programs about the study of the environment and the application of this knowledge in daily life and work; o provide health education for both the general public and health personnel in order to create awareness of environmental issues and to involve the public with environmental management and control; o apply knowledge in areas where nursing intervention may prevent or reduce