Anacostia River Research Paper

Words: 618
Pages: 3

Paragraph 1--left justified. Brief introduction. See rubric for details (Delete before writing paragraph). The Anacostia river is in danger of Eutrophication! I have sent you this so you can see how you need to continue funding for sewer tunnels but you also have to fund for the cleanup of the Anacostia. If you don’t fund for the cleanup then people will continue to fish in it and more people will get sick from eating the rotten fish. If we get the anacostia cleaned then I feel that all the people of the area will be happy and the organisms who live in the river will be happy.

We should not allow this excess amount of waste to stay in the Anacostia river because of two reasons one it could cause Eutrophication which means the whole river will be
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Second, if you keep the excess waste in the Anacostia river the Anacostia river’s pH, nitrite, temperature, and dissolved oxygen level will become much worse. I have also checked the average of the anacostia river’s levels they are not good. The pH is at a level 6, The temperature level is 9.2575 degrees celsius. The Dissolved Oxygen level is 4.3. The nitrite level 1.075. I think that these levels are so bad because I compared the anacostia to a model ecosystem and the levels are very different. The pH level is too low probably because of the excess waste in the anacostia. The river is much too cold because the cold rain water is constantly be dumped into the anacostia. The D.O level is too low because the bacteria is using it all when it is decomposing the plants. The nitrite level is too high because waste causes high nitrogen level. On top of the bad leveling in the anacostia this is all so stopping the life processes that are happening in it. First of all it is stopping the carbon to oxygen cycle because if eutrophication happens and all the plants die that part of that cycle the cycle will not work. It will not work because the animal will release Carbon Dioxide and nothing will absorb it and