Hutchinson displeased Governor Winthrop as they were testing his authority. He decided that based on her actions, Anne Hutchinson should be prosecuted for her wrongdoings. Mrs. Hutchinson was tried for: “Disturbing the peace of the commonwealth, slandering the ministers, and holding secret meetings.” (Hutchinson, 1768, vol.2) One of the biggest questions surrounding Mrs. Hutchinson’s trial was: what were the reasons for her charges? Did she commit religious heresy as suggested in her formal charges? Or were her charges related to her stark ideals for a woman to postulate during the 17th century? I conclude that Mrs. Hutchinson's charges were not for religious reasons, but rather for her having been a woman. The trial of Anne Hutchinson truly exhibits the reasons for her persecution and showcases how she was not banished for her faith; rather she was tried for possessing ways of thinking not "made" for her