Rachel expresses how when she put on the sweater she acknowledged she was eleven: “I’m eleven and it’s my birthday…” but she was “crying like I’m three in front of everybody.”She conveys that even though she is eleven she has acted like an age that she is not, three. She also states that “some days you might need to sit on your mama’s lap because you’re scared, and that’s the part of you that’s five.” She displays that even though she is eleven, she still commits actions a five year old would.
I would also like to point out the reption of another phrase. Rachel on multiple occasions states “ I’m eleven, ten, nine, eight, sv\even, six, five…” and so on, or some other version of repeating all the ages between one and eleven. She wants to show that one is not just their current age, instead they are all the ages previous to that age as well. She tells her “mama when she’s sad and needs to cry.” because “maybe she’s feeling three.” She tells you shouldn’t have to be forced to act only your age , which shows her insecurity of being eleven and acting like it. In sum, Cisneros wants to display a certain part of Rachels character. And that is of her insecurity with being eleven. She had done this through literary techniques and other meathods. We were provided with repeating phrases, and embedded examples; with these meathods, she was able to portray Rachels’