We make this kind of category to make our life easier when having conversations with others or when confronted with unfamiliar object or even people. However, there are many stereotypes in our life that is offended to other people in the food, gender, race and ethnicity, etc. And also these stereotypes have a significant effect on people psychologically. People generally think that girl like pink and boy like blue and some parent even force their children choose the color that they do not like at most, and many advertisements show girls wear pink dress and play dolls, boys wear blue and play toys truck and airplane. African American like to eat chicken and watermelon or Chinese only eat rice. In my expense that I have asked some classmate about what is their image about Chinese. The only one Chinese person they know is Jack Chen and most of them believe that Asian people are good at math and science. I can say that not everybody in China is good at math and I believethat everyone can learn to be good at math if they spend time and study right at math then they can be good at math too. It like Coter starts out be reliving an experience with a drunk guy who talk again “Maria” form West Side story. People just mark a stereotype in us and relate to a movie character they know or have seen. I ever want to represent people in Chinese or truth someone can represent thirteen billion people in China. It is impossible for someone can well express the 5000 years of history and nobody