Mr. Hooker
English 2326-3A1
8 February 2015
Earth Song
Ralph Waldo Emerson was an individualist, transcendentalist, as well as social, and spiritual. Many have described him as an essayist, but most prominent he is the main person whom led to the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.
The best of his work in my opinion would be, “Hamatreya”. The poem talks about the human soul, and how one is connected to himself and not to any objects on earth. The work mentions Vedanta or more so talks about ones Vedanta, which when you break down the word it basically means, “Knowledge (Veda) and end (anta). Emerson out in great forthcoming on what life was all about and how one should go about living his life in a very hormonal and serene way. This can be looked at in several ways, ethnic studies, or mythological.
The beginning the man goes on vain to his sons or children about how this is his and this is his name. But, then he grasps that really nothing is his, and he is one with the earth. And the farmer is just here for a short time and will do his best to live his life to the fullest, until the end of his days and then he will replenish the earth with his body, the same one he used to give so much in his younger days, The poem can be looked at in a dark and sad moment in time. It talks about the bodies being asleep beneath the ground. And how the earth laughs with flowers. So he (Emerson) was saying the bodies replenished the soil and from that the earth gave flowers as a sign of thanks. Emerson also states that in the end the